Monday, September 04, 2006

Misc from Skopje

As seems to be the norm in these cities, there's a long row of back to back cafes by the river.

All the old churches must have been destroyed by the earthquake, which is quite a sobering thought - how much history must have gone in that one moment. Here's the main church in town in a modern style. It's rather strange to see an orthodox church with these modern lines.

Here I am leaning on Mother Theresa.

Well if she can support all those orphans in India then she won't even notice me leaning on her.

Why Mother Theresa in Skopje? Well, all you used to hear is that she was Albanian but she was actually born in Skopje.

In the meantime I've been accumulating a few too many books. Here's my friendly post-office bloke and there's my package behind him.

To think that somehow it will find it's way to Hobart, to my front door even. It always amazes me.

I found a wonderful restaurant in the courtyard of an old house in the old Albanian quarter.

The river's quite big but not terribly interesting. There is a bike and walking path along one side which gets used by a lot of inline skaters. Always nice to watch, especially as most of the skaters seem to be female.

After such a hard day of sight-seeing of course I have to include me with the local beer - Skopsko.


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